Multicultural Calendar

The 2022 Multicultural Calendar is titled "Power of Connection". Available in these formats: Wall, Poster and Electronic, PDF, Outlook. Connection is an energy exchange between people, animals and the Earth. It has the power to deepen the bond between people, inspire change and build trust. This basic need to form, grow and sustain relationships and to belong to a group, team or family, is universal. We are social creatures who crave human interaction. Now more than ever, we all need real connection, dependable emotional support, and a feeling of belonging — whoever we are, wherever we are.

The 29th edition continues to grow in popularity with corporations, universities, banks, hospitals, social service agencies and the government. This unique and informative 2022 Diversity Calendar incorporates hundreds of multifaith, multicultural and diversity related holidays and observances.

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2022 Diversity Calendar

January 2022

January 1: New Year’s Day – Canada and many other countries
This is the celebration of the New Year according to the Western calendar.

January 17: Martin Luther King Jr. Day – United States
Commemorates the leader of the Afro-American rights movement in the USA.

January 27: International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust
Also known as Holocaust Memorial Day, this is a day to commemorate the millions of Jews and minority groups who were murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust in the 1930s and 40s.

February 2022

Black History Month
Festivities and events that honour the legacy of Black Canadians, past and present.

February 1: Lunar New Year
Lasts 2 weeks; it is customary to get new clothes or give presents of cash in red envelopes (the colour red is considered lucky). 2022 is the year of the Tiger.

February 15: National Flag Day – Canada
The flag symbolizes to Canadians what is best about Canada; the Maple Leaf flag was first raised in 1965.

February 15: Lantern Festival – China, Taiwan, South Korea
Marks the last day of the Chinese New Year; a legend speaks of a village where every person lit a lantern to cover the tracks of a young girl trying to escape life as a concubine.

February 21: Family Day – Canada (AB, BC, NB, ON, SK)
This holiday celebrates the importance of families and family life for people and their communities.

February 21: Heritage Day – Canada (Nova Scotia)
This is a time for Canadians to explore and celebrate their own personal heritage. In Alberta, Heritage Day is celebrated on the first Monday in August. Yukon celebrates Heritage Day on the last Friday in February.

February 21: Louis Riel Day – Canadian Indigenous Peoples (Manitoba)
Until 1885; Riel was the political leader of the Métis. He led a rebellion against the Canadian authorities and was charged with high treason, found guilty and sentenced to death. His name is a symbol for Native independence.

February 21: Islander Day – Canada (PEI)
Seeks to allow Canadians to enjoy a day off in celebration of family and local community on Prince Edward Island.

February 21: Presidents Day – United States
A day to honour George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and all past Presidents of the United States.

February 23: Pink Shirt Day – Canada
Pink Shirt Day aims to raise awareness of bullying by wearing a pink shirt. According to Canadian Institutes of Health Research, about 1 in 3 students in Canada have reported being bullied.

March 2022

March 8: International Women’s Day
Established in 1977 by the United Nations, this special day provides an opportunity to reflect on the progress made to advance women’s equality rights and status.

March 17: St. Patrick’s Day – Ireland, Newfoundland and Labrador
St. Patrick is known for converting “pagan” Ireland of the 5th century to Christianity.

March 18: Lailat al Bara’ah – Islam
A night of prayer to God for forgiveness of the dead and preparation for Ramadan through intense prayer; not universally observed.

March 20: Naw Ruz – Bahá’í, Zorastrianism, Iran, Afghanistan, Kurdish
New Year; observance of spring equinox symbolizing spiritual growth and renewal.

March 21: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – United Nations
On March 21, in 1960, police opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration in Sharpeville, South Africa, against the apartheid “pass laws.” The day was proclaimed in 1966.

April 2022

April 2: Ramadan begins– Islam
One of the Pillars of Islam begins and lasts until May 2. This is the holiest time of the Islamic Year. Muslims fast between dawn and sunset for the entire month. It is a time of abstinence and contemplation.

April 14: Vaisakhi – Hinduism, Sikhism, Bangladesh, Canada
Marks the spring harvest; greetings to wish one a good life are exchanged. For Sikhs, the day commemorates the founding of the Sikh Brotherhood. (Determined by the Nanakshahicalendar)

April 15: Good Friday – Christianity
Christian remembrance of the crucifixion of Jesus and the events, which led to it; followed by Easter (April 17), celebrating the resurrection of Christ.

April 15: Passover – Judaism
Eight-day celebration of the deliverance of the Jews from slavery in Egypt. The Jewish day begins at sundown, so all Jewish holidays begin a day before the date at sundown.

April 17: Easter Sunday – Christianity
Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, whose death was observed on Good Friday. One of the most important days of the Christian calendar.

April 22: Earth Day – International
Earth Day is celebrated as the birth of the environmental movement.

April 23: Passover – Judaism
End of the eight-day celebration of the deliverance of the Jews from slavery in Egypt.

April 24: Pascha/Easter – Orthodox
Commemorates Jesus’ resurrection three days after his crucifixion and death. Determined by the Julian calendar.

April 27: Yom Ha Shoah
Jewish Holocaust Day; observed by many non-Jews as well.

May 2022

Asian Heritage Month
Acknowledges the long and rich history of Asian Canadians and their contributions to Canada.

May 2: Eid al Fitr – Islam
End of Ramadan; three-day Islamic celebration marking the end of Ramadan; festival of thanksgiving to God for commemorating the month of Ramadan.

May 8: Mother’s Day – incl. United States, Canada, most of Europe, China
Origins go as far back as ancient Greek culture, where it was a spring festival dedicated to Rhea, the mother of the gods.

May 21: World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development – United Nations
To increase understanding of the values of Cultural Diversity; to move from Diversity to Pluralism.

May 30: Memorial Day – United States
This is the day for Americans to honour the dead. Originally a day on which flags and flowers were placed on graves of soldiers who died in the American Civil War, it has become a day on which the dead of all wars and all other dead are remembered the same way.

June 2022

Gay and Lesbian Pride Month
Celebrates the lives and achievements of the LGBT community.

National Indigenous History Month
Canadians celebrate National Indigenous History Month to honour the history, heritage and diversity of Indigenous peoples in Canada.  It is also an opportunity to recognize the strength of present-day Indigenous communities.

June 4: Shavuot – Judaism
Celebration of Moses’ descent from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments.

June 19: Father’s Day – incl. Canada, United States
Honours the contribution of fathers to the family unit.

June 21: National Indigenous Peoples Day – Canada
Established in 1996, this day provides an opportunity to learn more about the diverse Canadian Indigenous cultural heritage.

June 24: St. Jean Baptiste Day – France, Quebec
He is the patron saint of French-Canadians; a provincial holiday in Quebec.

June 27: Multiculturalism Day – Canada
Day of learning more about the contributions that various communities make to Canadian society and to celebrate Canada’s richness and diversity.

July 2022

July 1: Canada Day – Canada
Formerly known as Dominion Day because on July 1, 1867 the British North America Act proclaimed, “one Dominion under the name of Canada.”

July 4: Independence Day – United States
In 1776, the 13 colonies proclaimed their separation from England and formed the United States of America.

July 9: Eid-Al-Adha – Islam
In remembrance of Abraham and the sacrificial offering of his son Ishmael.  Meat is given to the poor.

July 14: Bastille Day – France
This day commemorates the storming of the Bastille prison in 1789, which led to the end of the monarchy.

August 2022

August 1: Civic Holiday – Canada
The first Monday in August is a holiday across Canada, but the holiday is named differently in different areas. It is not recognized in Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nunavut and the Yukon.

September 2022

September 5: Labour Day – Canada, United States
Honours organized labour and its contribution to Canadian society; a statutory holiday observed throughout Canada and the U.S.

September 25 – 27: Rosh Hashanah – Judaism
Jewish New Year; anniversary of the creation of the world; symbols of this holiday are apples and honey for a sweet new year.

October 2022

October 4: Yom Kippur – Judaism
The Day of Atonement is the holiest of all days in the Jewish Year, with fasting and prayer.

October 4: Chung Yeung Festival – China, Taiwan, Hong Kong
Pays tribute to ancestors; often includes a visit to the cemetery.

October 9-16: Sukkot – Judaism
Feast of Tabernacles; which celebrates the harvest and the protection of the people of Israel as they wandered in the wilderness dwelling in tents.

October 10: World Mental Health Day
The overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide.

October 10: Thanksgiving – Canada
Throughout history humanity has celebrated the bountiful harvest with thanksgiving ceremonies. Thanksgiving in Canada is celebrated on the second Monday in October; observance of the day began in 1879.

October 10: Columbus Day – United States
This day commemorates Italian navigator Christopher Columbus’ landing in the New World on October 12, 1492.

October 24: Diwali – Hinduism, Sikhism (determined by the Nanakshahi calendar)
Festival of Lights; happiest festival of the Hindu calendar. At night countless oil lamps are lit to guide Rama on his way home from his period of exile. For Sikhs, Diwali celebrates the release from prison of the guru Guru Hargobind.

November 2022

November 11: Remembrance/Veterans Day – Canada, United States, France
Honours the soldiers who were killed in World War I and II.

November 24: Thanksgiving Day – United States
The holiday dates back to 1621, the year after the Puritans arrived in Massachusetts, determined to practise their dissenting religion without interference. After a rough winter, in which about half of them died, they turned for help to neighbouring North American Indians, who taught them how to plant corn and other crops. The next fall’s bountiful harvest inspired the Pilgrims to give thanks by holding a feast.

November 25: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
The goal of this day is to achieve equality, development, and peace. It aims toward the fulfillment of women and girls’ human rights.

December 2022

December 6: National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women Canada
Commemorates the tragic event when on this date in 1989, a young man opened fire on a group of female engineering students in Montreal’s École Polytechnique, killing 14 women.

December 18: Hanukkah – Judaism
Jewish Festival of Lights; the Menorah, which contains eight candles, is lit – one candle for each night of Hanukkah. Commemorates an ancient miracle.

December 24: Christmas Eve – Christianity, Eastern Orthodox
Parts of the world have their Christmas dinner and gift exchange with a celebration prior to midnight.

December 25: Christmas/Feast of the Nativity – Christianity, Eastern Orthodox
Celebrating the birth of Christ; Eastern Orthodox celebration dates vary according to Julian and Gregorian calendars.

December 26-31: Kwanzaa – United States, Africa
An African American and Pan-African holiday celebrated by millions throughout the world African community, Kwanzaa brings a cultural message which speaks to the best of what it means to be African and human in the fullest sense.