Meet Our Team

Laraine Kaminsky
President and CEO

With more than 30 years of experience, Laraine Kaminsky, President and CEO of GlobalLK, brings her passion for diversity, equity and inclusion to everything she does. She has lived on three continents and worked in more than 96 countries, consulting with organizations around the world to build roadmaps and design strategies for more inclusive workplaces, as a true reflection of the communities they serve and support.

In 1989, she launched a management consultancy, Malkam Cross Cultural Training to build, leverage and develop leaders and managers in an increasingly global economy, before launching GlobalLK in 2003 in Ottawa, Canada.

With a profound understanding of inclusion and diversity opportunities and challenges from a global perspective, her work focuses on cultural, religious, gender and generational issues and how they impact an organization’s success. Laraine has coached executives, leadership teams and Boards of Directors, and developed Diversity Mentoring and Sponsorship programs across various industries. Her clients include diverse organizations in the public and private sector, many national and international businesses as well as legal, financial and professional services firms.

Some key accomplishments include preparing peacekeepers for pre-deployment to build cultural competence, leading WEConnect Canada, the first supplier diversity organization in Canada for women-owned businesses, as well as designing and implementing Global Women in Leadership programs for the United Nations and various agencies, to enable women from around the world to speak up and be heard.

Laraine’s ability to communicate the complexities of the global mindset has been recognized in multiple media, making her a sought after consultant and speaker on diversity and inclusion trends in the global workplace. She has truly leaned in, both personally and professionally throughout her life, drawing from her studies, research, and travel, where she experiences as many new cultures as possible from the seat of her bicycle.

With a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from The University of Cape Town, South Africa and a degree in Linguistics from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, Laraine also studied at the Summer Institute of Intercultural Communication for 10 years.


Our highly experienced, diverse, multicultural, multi-lingual, multi-generational team knows the research and the industry. We have informative, engaging and applicable strategies for creating awareness, personal and organizational change.

Kristen Vanderveen
Project Manager & Inclusion, Equity and Diversity Specialist

Kristen Vanderveen

Kristen is intimately familiar with the current research and analysis of a range of diversity topics in the global workplace and market.

Kristen has worked with GlobalLK since 2012. As a project manager and analyst she is intimately familiar with the current research and analysis of a range of diversity topics in the global workplace and market. Kristen has a deep understanding of unconscious bias, gender balance and diversity and inclusion challenges and opportunities.

Kristen has a Masters of Public Administration and a background in communications and public relations. Her experience as a policy intern in Ghana piqued her interest in intercultural competence. Working with private and public sector clients nationally and globally, Kristen has extensive experience developing and designing educational awareness programs.

Kristen is an Intercultural Development Inventory Qualified Administrator. As a project coordinator for GlobalLK, she focuses on creating strong client relationships for project success.

Xavier Dubien
Program and Course Coordinator

Xavier Dubien

Xavier started to work with GlobalLK in June 2020 as a digital producer and project manager.

Xavier Dubien started to work with GlobalLK in June 2020 as a digital producer and project manager.

He has assisted with transcription and analysis for focus groups, hosting and producing online sessions, French translation and various tasks to support a range of projects.

Xavier is fully bilingual, in French and English, verbally and in writing. He studied anthropology and translation (French and English) at the Université de Montréal. He also has experience with transcription (especially in the judicial sector), revision and redaction. Ever since he worked for a few months in the south of France, Xavier has had a renewed interest in making connections with people from all over the world, both online and in person.


Peter Halpenny

Peter is a seasoned business professional with a proven track record of delivering outstanding business support. After spending over 20 years in the technology sector in a variety of leadership roles, he transitioned to finance and administration where he has helped numerous organizations achieve their varied business goals.

Peter is a seasoned business professional with a proven track record of delivering outstanding business support. After spending over 20 years in the technology sector in a variety of leadership roles, he transitioned to finance and administration where he has helped numerous organizations achieve their varied business goals. Peter is passionate about building rapport with others and has built a strong reputation as a professional of high integrity.

During his career, Peter has worked extensively with staff and clients in many countries including, Japan, Malaysia, India, France, Sweden, Austria, Canada, and the United States. Through these experiences, he has become adept at collaborating with individuals from diverse cultures and backgrounds.


Catherine Chambers

Catherine is a learning and development practitioner and teacher-researcher with more than 25 years of experience in First Nations Communities, Canada, the United States, South Africa, and the Caribbean.

Catherine Chambers is an entrepreneur, learning and development practitioner and teacher-researcher. She has more than 25 years of organizational development and adult education experience in First Nations Communities, Canada, the United States, South Africa and the Caribbean. Catherine has worked in more than 20 municipalities and First Nation communities in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan Alberta, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia.

Catherine’s diverse industry knowledge is an outgrowth of her work in telecommunications, strategic performance measurement, information technology, financial services, chemical goods and services, education, child protection and other sectors. She is the owner of two GTA makerspaces which are also sites for her research on social change at the intersection of innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainability and economic development.

Catherine is a Ph.D. student in the department of Social Justice Education (SJE) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto (OISE/UT). She has a Bachelor of Arts degree from The University of Western Ontario, and two graduate degrees in education (Master of Adult Education and Master of Teaching) from OISE. Catherine is also an Ontario Certified Teacher.

Debra Freathy

Debra Freathy

Debra has conducted intercultural training using the IDI with executives, students, and instructors and has also conducted research using the IDI across business institutions in Europe.

Debra Freathy served as the Program Director for Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), LLC from 2009-2014. Currently, she is an IDI Consultant with GlobalLK. She has conducted intercultural training using the IDI with executives, students, and instructors and has also conducted research using the IDI across business institutions in Europe. She brings her experience as a psychotherapist of 25 years to her work. Debra has lived, studied, and worked in Europe and Asia for 17 years and has taught graduate level Organizational Behaviour and Leadership in Executive MBA and MBA programs and Psychology courses. Debra was the recipient of the 2018 IDI Intercultural Competence Award.
Sue Shinomya

Sue Shinomiya

Sue is a consultant, corporate trainer, coach and author specializing in intercultural communication competency, inclusive leadership and global virtual teaming for corporations, teams and individuals.

Ms. Shinomiya is a consultant, corporate trainer, coach, webinar leader and author, specializing in leading effectively in a global environment, including intercultural communication competency, inclusive leadership and global virtual teaming for corporations, teams and individuals. Her current work includes leading cross-cultural coaching, training and interactive webinars related to North America, Asia and Europe, as well as business seminars on project management, leadership skills for high-tech managers, and coaching skills for managers. She has spent over ten years working and living in Asia, mostly in Japan, speaks Japanese and has studied Mandarin Chinese. She is co-author of the book Business Passport to Japan: Maximizing Your Success in the 21st Century, Revised and Updated, 2008, an essential guide for anyone who does business with Japan.

Upon receiving her MBA in International Business, Ms. Shinomiya joined a prominent California consulting firm as an Intercultural Business Specialist and Project Manager. Her first project was with a US-Japan steel-manufacturing joint venture. Next she was responsible for International Management Development programs for both Proctor and Gamble and Intel Corp., helping global employees succeed in a competitive US work environment. She managed the on-site program at Intel Japan KK in Tsukuba for six years. Working closely with Intel HR, she designed, conducted and managed a variety of global business and cultural competency development programs including working in the US for high-potentials, business communication, negotiation and globalization for high level executives. Other clients in Japan included P&G, Hitachi, Dell Computers, NEC and Motorola.

Ms. Shinomiya currently resides in the U.S. Northwest, and runs her own consulting company, Business Passport, which provides a range of services to growing companies and organizations seeking to be successful worldwide. Her clients have included Mitsubishi Bank, Intel Corp., KPMG, The Gap, Daimler, Micron, Siemens, Pfizer, Boeing, Fujitsu, Toyota, Nike and Starbucks. She has recently been invited to Portland State University’s Master of International Management program as an Adjunct Faculty Member, teaching Intercultural Competency and Communication. Her management consulting, coaching and training have taken her to all parts of the US, as well as Japan, Canada, England, Germany, India and South America. She is a Board Member for the Society of Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR-USA). She helped to develop a certification program for Global Diversity Practitioners, and has certification in Global Virtual Team facilitation, webinar delivery and e-learning. She is IDI, GCI, IRC and COI certified, and attends the Summer Institute of Intercultural Communication in Portland nearly every year, recently completing courses in Global Leadership, Leading Virtual Teams and Emotional Intelligence and Diversity. Other professional associations include the Japan-America Society of Oregon, the Asia Pacific American Chamber of Commerce, the Technology Association of Oregon, and the World Affairs Council of Oregon.


Maher Najari

Maher holds a Master in Management Sciences and co-founder of the firm Nada Conseils offering consulting services in Environment and Climate Change as well as in Diversity and Inclusion.

Profondément passionné par les relations humaines, Maher a su mettre l’Humain au cœur de son parcours de carrière en étant un professionnel en Ressources humaines ainsi qu’un humanitaire engagé.

Au cours des 10 dernières années, Maher a acquis une expertise approfondie en gestion de la diversité grâce à des expériences professionnelles diversifiées tant comme consultant dans le secteur privé que dans l’humanitaire au sein de Médecin sans frontière. Animé par un profond souci de l’équité, de justice et d’inclusion, Maher cherche constamment à bâtir des ponts afin que les différences se rencontrent et que la diversité soit synonyme de succès et de prospérité.

Maher est un agent de changement préconisant un accompagnement de proximité, l’introspection et le développement personnel. Il prône une approche authentique centrée sur l’humain, l’écoute active, les dynamiques interpersonnelles et la mise en place de stratégies et objectifs réalistes et mesurables.

Maher est titulaire d’une Maîtrise en Sciences de la gestion et co-fondateur de la firme Nada Conseils offrant des services-conseils en Environnement et Changements climatiques ainsi qu’en Diversité et Inclusion.


Deeply passionate about human relations, Maher has placed Humans at the centre of his career path by being a professional in Human Resources as well as a committed humanitarian.

Over the past 10 years, Maher has acquired in-depth expertise in the management of diversity through diverse professional experiences both as a consultant in the private sector and in humanitarian work with Médecin sans Frontières. Driven by a deep interest for equity, justice and inclusion, Maher constantly seeks to build bridges between differences so that diversity becomes synonymous with success and prosperity.

Maher is a change agent advocating for proximity support, introspection and personal development. He promotes an authentic human-centred approach, active listening, interpersonal dynamics and the implementation of realistic and measurable strategies and objectives.

Maher holds a Master in Management Sciences and co-founder of the firm Nada Conseils offering consulting services in Environment and Climate Change as well as in Diversity and Inclusion.


Eva Schausberger

Eva works in third party neutral processes, interviewing for intercultural effectiveness and personal development analysis and assessment. She is bilingual in English and German and reads French.

Eva has held a variety of specialist and management positions, from Director,Foreign Credential Recognition with the Tourism HR Council where she led initiatives for non-regulated professions, to Research & Development Specialistat Graybridge Malkam, where she developed diversity, equity and inclusion programming for corporations like The Ottawa Hospital, General Electric or 3M Canada.

As a senior consultant she has developed numerous competency profiles and frameworks, researched foreign credential and qualification recognition solutions, conducted secondary and primary research and analysis, and facilitated subject matter expert workshops. Her consulting experience spans law, health, mining, non-profit, fish harvesting and real estate sectors.

Every year, she coaches Canadian diplomats posted in central Europe and mentors newcomers to Canada, assisting them in finding skills-commensurate jobs.

Eva has studied in Austria and Denmark and holds Bachelor’s and Master's degrees in Business Education (WES equivalent). She has continued her life-long learning on this side of the Atlantic in third party neutral processes, interviewing for intercultural effectiveness and personal development analysis and assessment. She is bilingual in English and German and reads French.

Eva is privileged to be living in rural Ottawa, the beautiful traditional lands of the Algonquin nations. Together with her partner they raise their anti-racist school age children.


Dr. Niru Kumar

Dr Niru Kumar is a Diversity and Inclusion Consultant, Medical Doctor and Executive Coach. She also consults and does training sessions use Diversity & Inclusion, Coaching skills, NLP and Hypnotherapy techniques.

Dr Niru Kumar is a Diversity and Inclusion Consultant, Medical Doctor, Executive Coach, NLP Master Practitioner trained from Dr. Richard Bandler founder of NLP and a CHI Certified Teacher and Practitioner of Hypnosis.

Dr. Niru’s consulting and training sessions are one of a kind as she skillfully uses Diversity & Inclusion, Coaching skills, NLP and Hypnotherapy techniques to bring profound and authentic transformation in personal and professional lives of the participants.

A pioneer in the field of Diversity & Inclusion, Dr. Niru is the founder of a D&I Consulting firm Ask Insights. It is a woman-owned firm which has partnered with the world’s best thought leaders in the field.

Dr. Niru offers her expertise in Diversity Strategy, Policies, Talent Management, Assessments and Analytics covering areas of Gender Generation, LGBTQ, Disability and Unconscious Bias and Inclusion. She has provided consulting to more than 50 leading organizations and trained more than 30.000 people from Global Leaders to frontline workers in plants in the most remote areas.

She also coaches top Global Leaders in the field of Inclusive Leadership in one-to-one sessions. Through workshops and these sessions, the leaders are able to drive change within the organization to not only be inclusive but to leverage Diversity of Thought in Innovation and be Market Leaders.


Neil Sainani

Neil Sainani is currently a DEI Consultant and has spent the last 15 years working with a wide variety of clients on topics of diversity & inclusion, unconscious bias, anti-racism, and allyship, to name a few.

Neil Sainani is currently a DEI Consultant and has spent the last 15 years working with a wide variety of clients on topics of diversity & inclusion, unconscious bias, anti-racism, and allyship, to name a few. Neil thrives in the classroom (Virtual or in-person), where he has the opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue.

Neil has had the opportunity to work with incredible initiatives and programs that tremendously impacted people and communities nationally including Indigenous Peoples, people with disabilities, racialized communities and 2SLGBTQI+ members, women, military veterans and many others.

In Neil’s spare time he spends time with his wife, his son, and their golden retriever (Piper Pickles). He also teaches a meditative breathing technique called Sky Breath Meditation.


Sandra Saric

Sandra is a strategic and collaborative leader and inclusion advocate who is always focused on creating positive, action- and measurement-driven outcomes and systemic changes, with a passion for sharing her knowledge and expertise across audiences and platforms.

Sandra is a strategic and collaborative leader and inclusion advocate who is always focused on creating positive, action- and measurement-driven outcomes and systemic changes, with a passion for sharing her knowledge and expertise across audiences and platforms.

As a consultant, Sandra has worked with a variety of clients from the private, public, and NGO sectors on strategic planning, organizational and business development, and tactical initiatives to ensure that equity and inclusion are always at a forefront in strategic and operational discussions and in policy and programming decisions. She’s worked collaboratively with Boards and executives to design, reframe, and/or implement innovative and systemic change-driven approaches to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in governance frameworks and structures, including bylaws and corporate documents, as well as with leaders across business units/departments to ensure DEI is integrated in all their strategic and program planning and implementation.

Prior to her transition into consulting, Sandra spent 20 years developing and implementing DEI-focused and industry-driven workforce development and talent acquisition solutions that broadened opportunities for underrepresented, unemployed, and underemployed persons to connect to jobs in the digital economy. She has worked avidly, for example, to accelerate the integration of women, career re-starters, persons-at-risk, newcomers and refugees, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities and youth into the digital economy.

Sema Burney

Sema Burney

With over 10 years of experience in human resources and accounting, Sema offers training and consulting services to Quebec and Canadian organizations struggling to keep up with changing demographics.

Sema Burney is a bilingual Human Resources Professional specializing in the areas of Diversity and Inclusion. Born and raised in Quebec, Sema has always had a keen interest in diversity and has witnessed firsthand the changing face of our population.

Armed with over 10 years of experience in human resources and accounting, Sema offers training and consulting services to Quebec and Canadian organizations struggling to keep up with these changing demographics.

As a Chartered Accountant and holder of a Masters in Business Administration, Sema brings a refreshing vision to the HR world with her keen business sense and her solid understanding of the bottom line. She has worked for both large multinational companies as well as small privately owned businesses.

The largest portion of her professional experience comes from the National Bank, Quebec’s leading financial institution, where she worked for six years in various Human Resource functions including Employment Equity and Diversity, Sourcing and Corporate Recruitment.

Throughout her career, Sema has been renowned for her positive attitude, her energy and her passion for people. As an experienced corporate trainer and an inspiring speaker, she can relate to employees at all levels within an organization. She prides herself on her ability to combine her knowledge of human resources and finance into HR strategies that bring business results.

In addition to her consulting work, she is currently a part-time lecturer at McGill University teaching a graduate level course in Strategic Human Resource Management.

Cathy Gallagher-Louisy

Cathy Gallagher-Louisy

Cathy is a global Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) leader with over 30 years' experience in human resources, learning and development, and 15 years’ experience specializing in DEI.

Cathy is a global Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) leader with over 30 years' experience in human resources, learning and development, and 15 years’ experience specializing in DEI. A consultant in the field, she is also a Professor for the Centennial College Certificate in Leadership and Inclusion and a faculty member at the University of Toronto Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability Graduate Diploma. She is the co-editor of the newsletter for the Centre for Global Inclusion, and an Expert Panelist for the Global Diversity and Inclusion Benchmarks.

Previously, Cathy helped to establish the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI). In her tenure at CCDI, she led the consulting and measurement portfolios, the learning portfolio, and the research and knowledge services portfolio. Cathy has delivered over 450 speaking/learning engagements, has lectured at colleges and universities across Canada, and is a sought-after speaker at conferences and events.

The author of five of CCDI’s toolkits, Cathy has also written or co-written 25 major research reports, including the only national benchmarking study on supplier diversity in Canada. She has had dozens of publications and media appearances including CBC News, Talent Canada, HR Professional, PeopleTalk, HR UpDate, HUMANCapital, HR Saskatchewan, Municipal World, Supply Chain Canada, and the UK’s Equal Opportunities Review.

Enidio Magel

Enidio Magel

Enidio is an intercultural specialist, global facilitator and executive coach. His work expands over 18 years in the field of diversity and cross cultural psychology.

Enidio Magel is an intercultural specialist, global facilitator and executive coach. His work expands over 18 years in the field of diversity and cross cultural psychology. His contributions have been featured in Hispanic and Parenting magazines, El Mundo and The Austin American Statesman.

Enidio has facilitated numerous sessions on global inclusion, unconscious bias and intercultural effectiveness throughout the world, for audiences such as UNICEF, The Discovery Channel, JPMorgan Chase, The National Basketball Association, AIG, and Microsoft among others. He has also coached dozens of executives managing global engagements across four continents.

Mr. Magel holds a cross-cultural psychology degree from the University of Texas in Austin and a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology. Enidio was part of the executive team that founded People Express Airlines, a company that revolutionized the airline industry, and he is currently the founder and managing director of the Multi-Cultural Institute in Austin, Texas.

Mr. Magel is bilingual and a certified medical interpreter. He is also the co-founder of The Missy Project, a 501(c) 3 dedicated to inform others about brain aneurysm disease in children.

Alan Richter

Alan Richter

Alan is a recognized pioneer in the diversity and ethics fields, and has provided strategic consulting, facilitation and program delivery for varied organizations globally.

Alan is the founder and president of QED Consulting, a 27-year-old company based in New York. He has consulted to corporations and organizations for many years in multiple capacities, primarily in the areas of leadership, values, culture and change. He has provided strategic consulting and facilitation and program delivery for varied organizations globally, and has been involved in innovative instructional product development. He is a recognized pioneer in the diversity and ethics fields.

Dr. Richter is the creator of The Global Diversity Game, an award winning training tool, and co-creator of: the Coaching Development Assessment, a developmental tool for leader coaches and executive coaches; The Global Diversity Survey, a self-assessment tool which measures how we deal with difference; The Global Gender Intelligence Assessment, a new gender intelligence self-assessment; Global Leadership Survey, a leadership style self-assessment tool; and The Global Diversity & Inclusion Benchmarks and The Global Ethics & Integrity Benchmarks, which helps organizations measure their Diversity and Ethics initiatives, respectively, against global best practices. He also co-produced Global Words for Global Leaders, an inspirational leadership video, and co-authored Lost in Cyberspace, a team-decision based tool that explores the nature of global virtual teams.

He has worked closely with many organizations including: American Express, Avon, BellSouth, BP, CERN, Chubb, Delphi, Ernst & Young, Gartner, GE, GSK, Home Depot, the International Criminal Court, Investec, Kohler, KPMG, MetLife, NASA, Nokia, Pfizer, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Prudential, RBS, Sasol, Saudi Aramco, Sony, UBS, Unilever, the United Nations, UNDP, Wharton and WHO. He has worked in Africa, Asia and Europe, in addition to the Americas, and has extensive global experience.

Dr. Richter has also been a presenter at many conferences such as the American College of Insurance, the Arthur Page Society, the ASJA, ASTD, the Conference Board, GlobalForum (Bangkok), Integral Leadership Summit (London), the International Institute for Research, the Human Resource Planning Society, NASAGA and ISAGA (North American/International Simulation and Gaming Association), the National Multicultural Institute, PBS's Adult Learning Satellite Service, SHRM, Arabian SHRM, SIETAR, and the World Diversity Leadership Symposium (at the UN). He serves on the Board of the South African American Chamber of Commerce (SACCA) and Kean University’s Global MBA Program.

Prior to founding QED he consulted extensively in on-line services, taught philosophy, psychology, and interdisciplinary courses at the Open University in Britain, and worked as a lexicographer and technical writer. He is the author of several books and articles. His articles have covered aspects of business ethics, diversity and globalization and he has written chapters in books on ethics and culture in medicine. He is the co-editor of a recent book on global values seen through the context of comparative jurisprudence.

Dr. Richter has an M.A. and a B.A.B.Sc. from the University of Cape Town, and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Birkbeck College, London University.

Stella Riggi

Stella Riggi

A strategic leader, well-rounded and bilingual, in human resources, Stella Riggi excels in complex environments. She explores innovative ideas aimed at concrete results.

A strategic leader, well-rounded and bilingual, in human resources, Stella Riggi excels in complex environments. She explores innovative ideas aimed at concrete results. With a diploma in Industrial Relations and as a member of CRHA, she has pursued her training in coaching, in PROSCI Change Management, and in “Facilitating & designing learning spaces” with KAOSPILOT. In addition to CRHA, she is a member in good standing with the Quebec Professional Co-development Association (AQCP). She is also certified to administer the AtmanCo test.

For the last 30 years, Stella has worked in Human Resources management for an international consultancy cabinet, and for a federal crown corporation. She works as an entrepreneur by supporting organizations in training, co-development, and diversity and inclusion. She defines herself as an HR generalist who advises clients in all spheres of the profession from organizational diagnostic to compensation.

Her profile of “Strengthfinder” demonstrates that she prioritizes the unicity of each person in order to reveal their best to everyone. Therefore, it is natural that diversity and inclusion is her natural passion. Raising two daughters of Chinese origin, she is constantly aware of unconscious bias and existing prejudices whatever they are. She has also fostered an interest in neurodiversity.

She is a network member of Life Works in diversity, equity, and inclusion, and advises large businesses on this topic - notably, the Desjardins Movement and Via Rail. She also sits on the diversity and inclusion committee of the Maison Théâtre. Additionally, she works within the cultural sector and with not-for-profit organizations in transfert of direction process, co-development group training at the CRHA level, and at the Treasury Board. She is Coach Leader for Quebec for the Big Bloom collective, which organizes solidarity hackathons for the benefit of social innovation. She is also a collaborator with the executive search firm ELECTI.

Stella is also a Qualified Administrator for the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)


Jephtée Elysée

Jephtée Elysée is a relationship builder developing key partnerships, a passion for inspiring highly diverse teams and mobilizing cross-functional groups around Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, cultures of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

Jephtée Elysée is a results-driven strategic leader with 15 years of progressive experience and proven success in blending political and business acumen to ideate and spearhead top-shelf strategies driving rapid, sustainable benefits for both organizations and communities. Relationship builder developing key partnerships, a passion for inspiring highly diverse teams and mobilizing cross-functional groups around Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, cultures of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

Jephtée developed the City of Ottawa’s first Immigration Strategy and Led the most diverse and inclusive team at the City of Ottawa, spearheaded City- wide initiatives promoting equitable, inclusive, and sustainable resident services, and advanced community strategies to meet the needs of priority populations. She provided teams with strategic guidance, leadership, and motivation for the successful development and implementation of the City of Ottawa’s first Women and Gender Equity Strategy, Reconciliation Action Plan with Indigenous partners, City of Ottawa’s first Anti-Racism Strategy, Diversity & Inclusion Corporate Plan, and Older Adult Plan.

Jephtée also developed the City of Ottawa’s first Anti-Racism Advisory and engaged 1,000+ internal and external stakeholders in the development of various strategies. She was responsible to develop & direct the Long-Term Care Stakeholder Engagement Plan involving 250+ stakeholders to address the Ministry’s order and also implemented Community Conversation Forums on behalf of the City of Ottawa, achieving 96% satisfaction rate across 250+ participants.

Jephtée is Trilingual in English, French, and Haitian Creole.


Myriam Labrie-Loiselle

Myriam is a diversity and inclusion consultant with over 8 years of experience in project management, human resources management and staff development.

Myriam est consultante en diversité et inclusion cumulant plus de 8 ans d’expériences en gestion de projet, gestion des ressources humaines et développement du personnel. Passionnée par les questions de mobilisation, de dynamique d’équipe et de leadership, elle a développé une expertise en gestion d’équipes multiculturelles en travaillant à l’étranger pendant plusieurs années, notamment en tant que coordinatrice des ressources humaines dans le milieu humanitaire avec Médecins sans Frontières.

Animée par un profond souci d’équité, de justice et d’inclusion, Myriam valorise l’importance des relations humaines et croit au pouvoir des changements systémiques à travers les relations interpersonnelles.

Elle est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en développement international de l’Université McGill et d’une maitrise en développement organisationnel d’HEC Montréal. Elle a récemment effectué une étude qualitative sur le développement des normes et des valeurs organisationnelles dans la création d’entreprise.


Myriam is a diversity and inclusion consultant with over 8 years of experience in project management, human resources management and staff development. Passionate about issues of mobilization, team dynamics and leadership, she developed an expertise in managing multicultural teams while working abroad for several years, notably as a human resources coordinator in the humanitarian field with Médecins sans Frontières.

Driven by a deep concern for equity, justice and inclusion, Myriam values the importance of human relationships and believes in the power of systemic change through interpersonal relationships.

She holds a bachelor’s degree in international development from McGill University and a master's degree in organizational development from HEC Montreal. She recently conducted a qualitative study on the development of organizational norms and values in business creation.


Christiane Essombe

Christiane has over 7 years of experience in anti-racism and anti-oppression work and is currently completing a PhD in psychology focused on anti-blackness, racial identities, whiteness and appropriated racial oppression.

Christiane Essombe (she/her) holds a Master of Public Health from the University of Montreal School of Public Health.

She has worked with various communities such as people with albinism in Tanzania, migrating people at the US/Mexico border, survivors of the Colombian armed conflict and refugee claimants in Montreal.

She has been involved in anti-racism and anti-oppression work for over 7 years and is currently completing a PhD in psychology at the University of Cape Town remotely. Her research focuses on interrogating Negrophobia in African contexts and its link with contemporary racial identities on the continent, appropriated racial oppression and aspirations to whiteness.

Christiane speaks French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, and Swahili.


Susan Hunter

Susan Hunter is a consultant who works directly with boards and organizations to create equitable environments that enable people and companies to achieve inclusion and belonginess for all.

Susan Hunter is a consultant who works directly with boards and organizations to create equitable environments that enable people and companies to achieve inclusion and belonginess for all.

She has expertise in Human Resource Management with a specialization in equity, diversity, and inclusion, pay fairness, gender pay, change management and communication, and employee engagement. Her experience includes over 25 years working in the human capital practices at Aon Hewitt and Willis Towers Watson focusing on people, performance and pay.

The focus of her advisory practice is to help clients develop a strategic approach to equity, diversity and inclusion that is intentional, purposeful, and meaningful.

Susan is a Certified Human Resource Leader (CHRL) and has a BA from the University of Toronto. She is a Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)® and is a certified Engaging in Bold, Inclusive Conversations® Facilitator. Susan has certificates in Leadership & Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in the Workplace, and Inclusion by Design. She also has a Masters Certificate in Organization Development (MCOD), is a Prosci Certified Change Management Professional (CCMP), and a Certified Coach Practitioner (CCP).

Susan is an instructor with the IFEBP and is a frequent speaker at conferences including the Federated Press, HRPA, HRPAP, BC HRMA, and WorldatWork. She is a contributor to publications by CCH Canadian Limited, the Workspan and Plans & Trusts professional journals.

Liliana Cantú

Liliana Cantú

Liliana has a BS degree in Marketing and a Masters Degree in International Communication, and is an Expert Panelist for the Global Diversity and Inclusion Benchmarks publication.

Liliana Cantú is a native Mexican and has a BS degree in Marketing and a Masters Degree in International Communication. She also holds the Intercultural Foundations Certificate awarded by the Intercultural Communication Institute, and is an Expert Panelist for the Global Diversity and Inclusion Benchmarks publication, sponsored by the Diversity Collegium.

She has professional experience in the fields of human resources, public relations and relocation destination services, as well as in the design, customization and delivery of intercultural, global leadership, communication skills, team building, creativity and innovation, problem resolution, ethics and diversity and inclusion training, in English and Spanish. Liliana has personal intercultural experience in several countries including the United States, Canada, Venezuela, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Portugal.

Liliana has participated as a speaker and planning committee member at international symposia, and has served in different global councils. She is a freelance facilitator for several global training companies. She has delivered training programs, in English and Spanish, in over a dozen different countries, in organizations such as Novartis, Daimler, KPMG, Caterpillar, HP, Chrysler, DELL, PepsiCo, Toyota, Delphi, Starwood, Honeywell, Nielsen, LEGO, P&G, Bayer, Ford, Whirlpool, John Deere, Unilever, Coca Cola, Nissan, Under Armour, British American Tobacco, Medtronic, and the United Nations.

Liliana has also performed as a part time university professor at one of the most prestigious institutions in Latin America: the ITESM (commonly known as Monterrey Tech), where she has taught intercultural communication courses to national and international students. Liliana is the founding president for SIETAR Mexico (Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research). She has delivered keynote speeches on Women's Empowerment and Diversity and Inclusion.

Karen Diaz

Karen Diaz

Karen has over twenty years of experience in change management and training design and delivery. A dynamic educator and facilitator, her expertise lies in supporting organizations with their change initiatives.

Karen has over twenty years of experience as a change management and training design and delivery consultant. A dynamic educator and facilitator, her expertise lies in supporting organizations with their change initiatives.

Karen has designed and delivered over 500 training sessions on managing change, team building, strategic planning, global leadership, effective coaching, conflict resolution, and training of trainers.

Karen's international experience has given her insight and appreciation of the challenges individuals and teams face in organizations, and around the globe.

She has worked in both the public and private sectors across Canada, as well as internationally in Central America, the Caribbean, India, Romania and the Russian Federation.

Karen holds a Master’s in Education from McGill University concentration Adult education. She is a part-time faculty member at McGill's Career and Management Department, where she teaches two courses: Diversity and Global Leadership in the workplace; and Developing Human - Resources Training & Development.

She is certified in both MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), SDI (Strength Deployment Inventory), DiSC and Insights Discovery.


Latoya Ming

Latoya Ming is a thought leader, facilitator and speaker who specializes in Sustainable Transformational Change, Cultural Competence, Talent Management and Personal Development.

Latoya Ming is a thought leader, facilitator and speaker who specializes in Sustainable Transformational Change, Cultural Competence, Talent Management and Personal Development. Described as inspirational, engaging, and thought-provoking, Latoya Ming’s approach provides practical strategies, grounded in global research and case studies, proven to foster high performance.

As the principal consultant at LMCC, Latoya Ming draws from over 10 years of experience as an HR Leader where she has successfully created and implement human capital strategies that have lasting impact in both the private and public sector.

Latoya holds a Master’s Certificate in Organizational Development and Change from Schulich. She is also certified as a Qualified Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) Administrator, Prosci Change Management Practitioner (CMP), Global Clifton Strengths Coach, and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

Latoya Ming’s work is inspired by an interest in human potential and the simple idea that each person has the power within themselves to curate the life they desire.


Josy Laza Gallagher

Josy is an experienced Human Capital and Talent Development leader with more than 30 years of experience supporting organizations, nurturing and advancing leaders.

Josy is an experienced Human Capital and Talent Development leader with more than 30 years of experience supporting organizations, nurturing and advancing leaders. She is a global certified ICC executive coach, facilitator/trainer and intercultural specialist, Josy enjoys partnering with organizations to develop a culture of inclusiveness and respect. She focuses on driving cultural change, whole systems thinking, strategic planning, building multicultural alliances, and inclusion/cultural competencies.

Josy’s easy-going personality, global experience, and multilingual skills make her a valuable partner in the global diversity/inclusion field. Her clients appreciate Josy’s use-of-self (personal storytelling), humor, and authenticity as she works to create a shift in behavior.

Josy has proven capability in coaching leaders, leading culturally diverse teams and operating in global organizations, as well as designing and delivering programs that focus on respect in the workplace, diversity, inclusion, unconscious bias, gender dynamics, sexual harassment, cultural competency, personal empowerment, and team effectiveness

Josy has a Master’s in French and Spanish Literature from City University of New York and a Bachelor of Arts, New York Teacher Certification from Marymount Manhattan College


Taruna Goel

Taruna is a Learning and Development professional with over 23 years of experience in adult education, workplace training, competency development, and performance improvement.

Taruna is a Learning and Development professional with over 23 years of experience in adult education, workplace training, competency development, and performance improvement. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Science specializing in Community Resource Management and Education, MBA in Marketing and Human Resources, and a Certificate in Adult and Continuing Education from University of Victoria, Canada.
She has filled various learning and development positions in instructional design, learning consulting, and training management. She has designed over 300 learning projects (classroom/e-learning/blended) for Fortune 500 companies, Government organizations, and Industry associations in Canada and abroad. She has worked on a variety of projects including Competency Frameworks and Profiles, Job role/Career profiles, Training Needs Analysis, Curriculum Design and Development, Elearning Design and Development, Blended Learning, Competency-based Training and Assessment, and Competency-based assessment tools including exams, portfolio reviews, technical interviews and practical assessments.

Taruna strives to design workplace learning experiences that align with business needs and impact real-life work performance. She is a trusted partner to her clients and aims to provide innovative solutions for some of the most challenging problems.

Taruna is an instructor with University of Victoria and teaches courses in Instructional Design as a part of the Certificate in Adult and Continuing Education (CACE) program. She is passionate about volunteering and has written articles for United Nations Volunteers, served as a volunteer judge for multiple peer-reviewed benchmarking programs, and has been a Mentor with immigrant and refugee serving organizations. She currently serves as a Board Director at Immigrant Services Society of BC (ISSofBC) and volunteers with the IEEE Standards Association on the “Defining Competencies Working Group.”

Taruna is a life-long learner, an active participant in industry events, and a speaker at local events. She is a reflective blogger and enjoys exploring the outdoors and nature photography.


Wendy Hirschberg

Wendy Hirschberg has worked in the field of diversity inclusion for over 35 years. Her career in the field began at Catalyst, the international nonprofit whose mission is the advancement of women in business and professional services.

Wendy Hirschberg has worked in the field of diversity inclusion for over 35 years. Her career in the field began at Catalyst, the international nonprofit whose mission is the advancement of women in business and professional services. From Catalyst, Wendy moved to Ernst & Young and became the chief strategist for the team overseeing Diversity and Inclusion for the US, was promoted to Director and expanded into a role on the Global Diversity Team. For her last six years as the Northeast Diversity and Inclusion Leader she was dedicated to strategic change, enhancing employee networks and coaching with a focus on people of color at the firm. Wendy is an innovative inclusion strategist and excels at practical and creative solutions to key career development processes with a focus on access and selection procedures. Wendy acted as an advisor to many corporate executive clients of Ernst & Young advising on diversity and inclusion strategies. She is an excellent executive coach and leverages global tools and certifications in her coaching.

Since Wendy left EY, she has launched Wendy Hirschberg Crossroads Inc. and has been actively working as a DEI consultant, working with large health care organizations, a global construction company, and smaller start-ups. Wendy authored a chapter on diversity and inclusion for the American Management Association book on Leadership. She excels at communicating the core concepts of how to be an inclusive leader within the specific context of the businesses in which she consults. Her passions include exposing unwritten rules in company culture and highlighting, in workshops, the role of the middle managers in creating inclusive culture.


Robert Adams

Robert Adams, Jr., Ph.D. (he, him, his) is a cultural anthropologist. He has worked extensively in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and North America. Robert specializes in diversity and inclusion, mindful leadership, organizational change, and strategic planning

Robert Adams, Jr., Ph.D. (he, him, his) is a cultural anthropologist. He has worked extensively in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and North America. As an architect of hope, Robert specializes in diversity and inclusion, mindful leadership, organizational change, and strategic planning. Previously, he served as the Senior Vice President of Programs at the NEA Foundation in Washington, DC, where he oversaw the Foundation’s grant-making programs. Robert has also worked as an Executive-on-Loan/Interim Chief Operating Officer at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta and as an Individual and Community Transformation Program Officer at the Fetzer Institute Kalamazoo, Michigan. Robert identifies as an African-American male and lives in the Boston area.

Audrey Wubbenhorst

Audrey worked for BMO Bank of Montreal for over a dozen years in a variety of increasingly senior roles including diversity and workplace equity, HR and communications. She led the Canadian Board Diversity Council as its Vice President.

Audrey worked for BMO Bank of Montreal for over a dozen years in a variety of increasingly senior roles including diversity and workplace equity, HR and communications. She led the Canadian Board Diversity Council as its Vice President.

Audrey completed an MA in Communications and Culture from Ryerson and York Universities. Her thesis focused on the Employment Equity Act. She also holds an MBA in Financial Services from Dalhousie University. She earned her BA (Hons) from McGill University and has also completed a number of professional programs including a Fellow of the Institute of Canadian Bankers (FICB), a Certificate in Corporate Social Responsibility from St. Mike’s College, a corporate leadership program from the Aspen Institute and a program in adult learning from Humber College.

Audrey has served on the board of Humber College and is a trustee of the CAAT pension plan. Audrey previously sat on the board of Toronto Community Housing Corporation, as well as Ernestine’s Women’s Shelter. She has completed board education with the Institute of Corporate Directors as well as the Get on Board governance education program.